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Job fairs are a common platform for companies to connect with potential candidates and showcase their brand and culture. One aspect often associated with these events is the distribution of merchandise or promotional items. However, with the significant financial investment required for booth setup, logistics, and the lack of candidate interest in these freebies, it's worth questioning the necessity of spending thousands of euros on merchandise. In this blog post, we will explore the relevance of job fair merchandising and its impact on candidate engagement.
Evaluating priorities and their potential
While providing merchandise at job fairs may seem like a old-fashioned practice, it's crucial for companies to reevaluate the true value and potential of these items. Allocating a substantial portion of the budget towards merchandise can potentially support many critical aspects of the job fair, such as creating a compelling employer brand experience or facilitating meaningful interactions with potential candidates. Companies should consider whether the investment in merchandise aligns with their recruitment goals and if yes, they should choose the best ones.
Shifting candidate expectations
In recent years, candidate expectations have been more and more sophisticated. Job seekers are interested in learning about company culture, growth opportunities, and work-life balance. They seek meaningful conversations with recruiters and the chance to gain insights into the organization's values and vision. Spending amounts on merchandise that may support these conversation and proof company's engagement enables to really engage potential newly hires.
Customizing experiences
Apart from relying on merchandise, companies should focus on creating customized experiences for candidates at job fairs. Interactive activities, informative presentations, or networking opportunities can make a lasting impression on potential hires. By allocating resources towards activities that engage and educate candidates, employers can effectively communicate their brand and culture, fostering genuine connections and leaving a positive and memorable impact.
Sustainability and environmental considerations
In today's world, sustainability and environmental consciousness are increasingly important factors for both employers and candidates. Eco-friendly merchandise often contributes to reduce waste and pollution. By minimizing or eliminating the distribution of unnecessary promotional items, companies can demonstrate their commitment to sustainability and resonate with candidates who prioritize environmentally responsible organizations.
While job fair merchandise has been a long-standing tradition, it's essential for companies to evaluate its relevance and impact on candidate engagement. By shifting the focus towards buying real-value-giving merch, creating meaningful experiences, customized interactions, and showcasing company culture, employers can better meet the evolving expectations of job seekers. Furthermore, considering sustainability and environmental factors in these decisions can align companies with current values and foster stronger connections with candidates. Ultimately, the success of a job fair lies in the quality of interactions and the ability to leave a lasting impression that goes beyond mere promotional items.